I am an explorer. I am passionate about trying to understand things – why people and animals do what they do, why the world is the way it is. I love the whole process of figuring things out, solving problems, finding solutions.
I am a knowledge-gather. I am privileged to have the time, resources and interest to seek input and answers from people all over the world, whether it’s scouring the internet, reading books, taking courses, attending clinics and workshops.
I am a storyteller. I am a poet. I am a filmmaker. I am a writer. I am a curator. I want to share what I’ve discovered in creative, enlightening, entertaining, educational ways.
In the past, I’ve done deep dive explorations into literature and government (BA), poetry, law (JD), mediation (certification), love and relationships, life coaching (certification), design (of digital spaces, information, physical spaces), travel, documentary production, traditional Russian/Ukrainian/Georgian music, and yoga (YTT 200 hour teaching certification).
These days, I’m learning about horses and confidence and fear. I got my first horse a few years ago at age 53, fulfilling my little girl dreams but sending me careening down a path that often leaves me breathless, sometimes bruised, . . . but alive and connected to a world of people who share my passion. All of this unlocked a door for me that had previously been bolted shut and has led me (sometimes driven me) through the hardest, deepest, stuck-est inner stuff. I’ve learned things about complex trauma and adult ADHD that make so many things make so much more sense. I’ve learned about menopause and hormones and how our amazing bodies actually work. These days, increasingly, thankfully, finally, I’m taking better care of my self – my body, my brain, my emotions, my spirit.
I don’t pretend to have any of it all figured out . . . far from it! I’m still not a confident rider, I don’t really know enough about training my horses, every time I think I know something about why we humans do the things we do or think the way we think, I just uncover more questions. But my mission is to continue the journey – following my inspiration, asking the questions, exploring, learning, understanding, figuring things out, curating, synthesizing, amplifying, telling stories and sharing them. Maybe something will resonate with you?